Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Cancer sucks!!!!!

Well, lots has happened since my last post on 26th April. I went away fo a 2 week holiday in May. A well needed break....both for me from the kids and I suppose kids from me too!!! The other Onco kids in hospital have started ending their treatments too. Bobbinogs bloods were done again last week, 24th June, and his afp was on 3.9, which is cool as its below 7.3 which is where is should be. His hb is low...7.9, and it should be on 10.5, so his iron is low so he is anaemic, but have started him on iron, so hopefully it will improve.

However, my good news is greatly dampened as, Enrico, a 5 year old boy who did chemo with Bobbinog, he had Neuroblastoma, he sadly gained his wings yesterday, after a 3 year battle. I am so sad as he was such a sweet little boy. Cancer is really a nasty horrible beast. Another of the boys, Connor, was discharged from the hospital today for home hospice care. He also has neuroblastoma and has been fighting for the past 5 years. However he is not doing well at the moment and his docters have said there is nothing more they can do for him, so we now hope and pray for a miracle, so we can keep that angel on earth with us rather than up in heaven.

It is so sad, the amount of children who are affected with cancer, and the poor response from people in general. Its as if, if people look the other way, then it will no longer be.... well not for them anyway, but for all those families battling cancer, the reality it there daily in everything they do, as it becomes a way of life that will be there forever more.

I was one of those parents that would look the other way, as I was too scared of the reality of childhood cancer, and of how to deal with it, or the parents of the kids who had cancer. Knowledge about childhood cancer is so limited to the general public, so there is very little to no awareness of it.

Two of the other moms and myself are in the process of trying to form a support network for oncology families and children with cancer, where we can try to help a bit and give some emotional support as there is no support network in Cape Town in place. Maybe also bring some awareness to it as well.

Its a nice thought that we may be able to make a difference, even if only to one family, its better than none at all.

Friday we have little Enrico's funeral and that is going to be one of the saddest things I ever do in my life. The funeral of a 5 year old, who was also an only child, I will remember it the rest of my life as I already am. Children should not be dying at such a young age before their lives even start. Cancer is such a bad evil monster. I wish I could collect all of it and send it to hell for eternity!!!! I HATE CANCER!!!

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