Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Bobbinog are all better

Well, Bobbinog is better. We came home Saturday night...... I took all the kids down to the hospital saturday afternoon with me. I thought if they want to keep us another night, then all the kids stay with me as my babysitter had to leave. I think they took one look at my 5 kids and signed his discharge forms. YAY!!! He is doing well. His appetite has doubled...not sure how that works. Aren't you supposed to eat let after a tummy bug??? However he is completely off milk.... he only drinks rooibos tea now..cold with sugar and no milk. We are keeping dairy away from him as its blocking his iron absorbtion. Will see how his bloods do.

Other than that he brought some proper temper tantrums home with him from the hospital. He can really throw them, equivalent to all the other kids together. I can see some fun times ahead.

The kids were happy to have him home at least and life will settle again soon. NOT!!!!!

1 comment:

  1. Thank you for sharing your journey and thanks for finding me! It is nice to read your blog and see that there is light at the end of the tunnel for Casper, my one year old son who also has hepatoblastoma. Here is Casper's blog... http://casperthegreat.wordpress.com
    We are getting closer to Casper's surgery and reading about how Bobbinog coped so well with his surgery and what was involved is really reassuring. It is still scary to me but I feel more prepared for what is ahead and that is very comforting. I hope Bobbinog will go from strength to strength now and all this will soon be a distant memory. With best wishes, Fiona and Casper
