Thursday, September 9, 2010

Bobbinog is Sickipoo!!

Bobbinog has not been having a good month. Last week he had tonsilitis, ear infection etc etc which took a few days to clear up which it thankfully did, but unluckily he moved straight into the next bug. He is currently in hospital with a bad tummy bug. He was admitted yesterday, badly dehydrated and half an hour away from going into shock. He is on the drip and was looking quite perky this morning till the bug bit again and he had a bad patch of diarrea and vommiting which nearly dehydrated him while on the drip. Not good not!!!

He will be in again tonight so hopefully the bug works out so we can hopefully come home tomorrow.

Also they did all his blood tests yesterday and his afp count in on 1.1 at the moment. Cool! They also did the blood test CEA which tests for mets on the lungs, which obviously had me stressing a bit, but the little champs lungs are clear.... Yay.... (but I knew that from previous tests and scans already, but theres always a chance.....). What a great relief to find out what I already knew.... The mind is a busy thing at these times.

Anyway, will keep you posted....... gotta get back.

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